Thursday, August 28, 2008

Why The Hollies?

When I was a kid there were three giant holly trees growing next to my grandparents' house. There were taller than the house even then. I used to spend time playing in them, walking under them and sitting in the branches reading. One of my fondest memories is walking underneath them after a rare snow.

There are only two now, because the house was struck by lightning when I was a senior in high school and the kitchen caught fire. The house was not habitable after all the smoke damage and while it was being cleaned (the ServPro people do not lie when they say it's like it never even happened) and rebuilt, my grandfather opted to live in a trailer behind the hollies. The gap between the house and the remaining holly on the right is wide enough for the trailer to be driven through. Back then the area to the left and rear of the house was a peach orchard. That, along with the and the power pole behind the house on the right, meant there was no way to get the trailer in back without sacrificing a holly.

Even so, they were always lovely and when I stood underneath them and looked up, the branches resembled the arches of a cathedral. I did not go to a proper cathedral until I was in my 30s, but I can tell you the feeling I used to get standing under them is of a place every bit as sacred and lovely as any cathedral. More so, perhaps, because it was made directly by the hand of God made and not by the hand of man.

When you get to the wedding site, you'll notice that the hollies and the pecan trees amongst which the chairs are set up form a sort of natural room. You can't see it in the picture below, but when you are standing at the ceremony site, the crossed branches of the pecans farthest back look for all the world like a gothic arch.

It's a special place.

The best thing is that there always seems to be a breeze blowing around the house. When I was younger, shortly after my grandmother died, I had the idea that the breeze was her spirit, looking after us even after she was gone. Maybe I'm right - the breeze seems, if anything, stronger now since my grandfather has gone to be with her. If I am right, and they are there, it will make me very happy.


Anonymous said...

get out
he is not the one

Shannon said...

You know, I debated about publishing this but I thought I would just to show you how outrageous some people can be. If someone I actually know or invited posted this and truly feels this way, then please have the grace and good sense not to show up and enjoy our hospitality. If it's just a random internet troll, go find a blog that needs rabble rousing and drama. This isn't it.

Curtis said...

I will go one step further than Shannon. You see, she has the decency and class to just not ask the person who posted this comment to come to the wedding - since clearly the only way they have the address to this blog site is by receiving an invitation.

I on the other hand, relish the opportunity to be introduced to this inconsiderate individual. Please don't just call yourself anonymous - come out in the open. I'm curious if you have the courage to speak ill of the groom in public.

Anonymous said...

Okay, okay, I'll fess up... I just wanted Curtis FOR MYSELF!! So I had to put that.

No, seriously? Wow. But darnit, do we HAVE to have class about this? because I already offered Rex's services to beat the snot out of whoever this is when we find out! (though I'm pretty sure I didn't use the word snot)