Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Can I Bring A Date?


I intended to write "Honored Friend and Guest" on the response cards for all you folks who I thought want to bring someone with you, but I realize now that in my distress over printing the wrong address on the invites, I might have forgotten to do it for everyone.

Also, I know there is a select group of lovely ladies who will probably travel en masse to the festivities. I did not write "and Guest" on your cards because I presumed you would all come as a unit. I realize what happens when you assume, however, so if any of you do find Mr. Right - or even Mr. So-So - between now and then, please feel free to bring him along. The same applies for you single gents, as well.

If I did forget, just write "Your Name + Guest" on the response card. And if you meet someone fab between now and the wedding and want to bring him or her along, just call or email me anytime. It's not a problem.

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